Saturday, October 18, 2008

eMarketer Posts Study Results about Moms Online

EMarketer recently posted the results of a June and July 2008 study conducted for the Marketing to Moms coalition about the online habits of women with children. According to eMarketer, an estimated 35.3 million US mothers online in 2008, equivalent to 18.2% of the total US Internet population. That number is expected to reach 39.6 million in 2012.

Moms online were found to be avid online shoppers, travel bookers, and healthcare information checkers, as expected. However, mothers also took part in many online activities that are generally considered to be more traditionally "male" activities, such as online banking and game playing.

Hopefully, marketers and advertisers will pick up the data and see that mothers do much more online than check email and visit parenting sites.

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